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The Millionaire's Brain Program Review - Is it Scam or Legit ?

28/12/2014 07:19

The Millionaire's Brain by Winter Vee Review

The Millionaire's Brain - Having a personality brave and confident in doing things is the desire of every person. Businesses in ways which they know to eliminate the nature timid, cowardly, indecisive, timid and insecure they have done. However, most of these efforts failed. This is because the desire was not able to reach the subconscious themselves. There are several methods to enter the subconscious for example the meditation exercises, yoga and tai chi.

But not everyone can do it. There is an easy way to tap into your subconscious brain, using technology The Millionaire's Brain Winter Vee. The Millionaire's Brain contain subliminal messages that do not sound could be heard but the conscious mind and go directly into the subconscious.

Subliminal messages are messages that captured the subconscious, this message can be a sound person, sounds, colors, images, atmosphere, weather etc. In the course of increasing the confidence of this, you will get the subliminal message of wave frequency that you hear. Hopefully, this way your subconscious mind formed a programming will make you more confident. By using Brain Wave Therapy which has been specially designed to increase self-confidence, the message sent by the frequency of the wave will go directly to the subconscious mind without filtering the conscious mind. When you start listening PROGRAM this brain wave therapy, your conscious mind will gradually "fall asleep" and you are lulled ventured into the subconscious mind.

Remember the time high school science lessons. The human ear has limited the ability of hearing based on the size of the frequency of the sound is heard. Frequency sound that can be heard by the normal human called audio frequencies. Smallest boundary called infrasonic frequencies, ie below 20 hz, while the largest is called Frequency Ultrasonic limit is above 20,000 hz. Here we would like to say that it looks like there are important things that are not covered in a high school science textbooks, namely that the wave beyond the limits of human hearing (auditory conscious mind), can actually be heard by the subconscious mind (read more: The Millionaire's Brain ).

Source of all feelings are unconscious, that part of our mind that we can not consciously control. You must have felt how difficult it is to hide feelings of fear, shame, doubt, insecure, sad, angry, hurt, disappointed and so on. You've got a desire to eliminate the fear and shame that you feel, but you can not eliminate that feeling so alone. The more you resist  the stronger the feeling. Indeed, as that is how the subconscious in the form of human feelings.

Many of our clients are already using this Program and felt increasing their courage and confidence. I myself have often listened to this Program if I need more courage to face a challenging task or to face the problems with bold and confident as when going to perform public speaking. PROGRAM So far it has helped me to give a subliminal message for me to remain calm face any uncertain event in life. Brave and confident pose great authority ..!

How to Use PROGRAM Confidence

Audio is in PROGRAM Confidence contain subliminal messages. To lift all the nature and negative feelings that make us lost confidence. Once I started listening to this audio, you'll feel the feeling or mood that ride, make your chest filled with a feeling of confidence, your eyes will be more authoritative and more charismatic and you will be marched with confidence.

Use of this Program every day to gain confidence, eliminate the negative qualities that inhibit confidence as: shy, insecure, nervous, anxious, worried myself, fear, trembling, and so forth. Both also be heard when it will face a situation that needs a high trust, such as: presentations, chairing meetings, public appearances, doing something unusual, are in place that has never been visited or are unfamiliar etc.



28/12/2014 07:48

Reverse My Tinnitus Guide Ebook: Ear ringing you often feel a sudden? You should be aware of it

Reverse My Tinnitus Guide Ebook Review by Dr. phillips and Alan Watson

Ear ringing you often feel a sudden? You should be aware of it.

Ringing in the ears or who have medical cover that tinnitus is often suffered by those who use a headset or earphones too long. Tinnitus occurs because of damage to nerves in the inner ear that is caused by exposure to music too loud or ear infections.

Although there is no definitive cure for this disease cure, there is a simple useful therapy to treat it.

The therapy is to consume coffee. Research conducted in the Nurses Healthy Study II found that substances contained caffeine in coffee useful as a stimulant to soothe delicate hair cells in the inner ear. So this will help lighten the ringing that occurs : source: ---> Reverse Tinnitus Review.

"Caffeine is in coffee is not always able to give a negative impact on health. Because it turns out caffeine is also useful for healthy ears, in addition to increasing energy," said the study.
Rarely there is an article that discusses ear problems and improve the quality of the ear to hear. Generally there are only article discusses the vision, and ways in which the eye can see more clearly.

Health ears may be considered more robust, so it is rarely discussed. Therefore this article will discuss the foods that can make quality hearing be increased, as reported by the Health Me Up:


The inside of the ear has a kind of liquid that contains a lot of potassium. This causes you to eat certain types of foods rich in potassium in order to balance the levels of potassium in the body for the better. The food is potatoes, spinach, yogurt, melon, banana, and skim milk.


The function of this substance is fixing the cells in the body and increases blood circulation smoothness. Smooth blood circulation is the key to a healthy body, including hearing. Source of food is strawberries, papaya, melon, eggs, tomatoes and lettuce etc.


Magnesium eliminate the effects of free radicals on the ear, and help prevent hearing loss sick (read more: Reverse My Tinnitus ). Low magnesium will lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels in the ears, narrowing the circulation of oxygen. This makes the quality of hearing can be reduced. You can get magnesium from spinach, broccoli, potatoes and bananas.

     Zinc / zinc

This substance helps boost immunity and prevent infection in the ear. You can get from cashews, almonds, chocolate, chicken, meat, and other types of nuts.


This mineral maintaining brain and nervous tissue to keep working and well connected. Sources are avocados, nuts, pineapple, celery and egg yolks.

     vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D is not good for the body, including hearing. Osteopenia or hardening can occur if someone experienced ear bones. This means the loss of the ability to hear. Source of sunlight, fish oil, and various types of fish.

     vitamin B12

Consumption of foods containing vitamin B12 such as milk, eggs, meat and shellfish is a way to avoid the occurrence of tinnitus or reduced hearing ability.


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